Hololive of Games

Over 666 questions custom built for Hololive
across over 20 different fun round formats

Easy to build, customise and filter

All assets and guidance provided

Change quiz building from being time-consuming
and stressful into being quick and fun

Create a new quiz here

Example pre-built quiz here

For queries, contact me on Twitter / X.

Hi Mori. The most important rule here is that you owe me nothing and I am AOK with whatever you do with this data, including ignoring it entirely or offering it to another member. I am also entirely open to any ideas or format changes you might have on seeing how it's set up, major or minor.

What is this and why?

Quiz formats are a great go to for collab streams, and as a Brit I'd vouch for Richard Osman's House of Games being the best format to use. It's a light entertainment quiz focusing on fun, wordplay and silly answers. I'm not sure how well the Britishness will translate, but watching/skimming an episode is probably the quickest way to understand how the format works.

This website allows you to build a quiz for a collab stream in the style of House of Games, with questions that are entirely my own original work and mostly related directly to Hololive. There are a ton of questions too, and it's easy to keep on replacing questions you don't like until you get exactly what you want.

Intended use

House of Games uses a daily format of five varied rounds, which change day by day and have their own conceits. Each week has four contestants who usually play individually but play in pairs for round 2.

In the actual show the same contestants stay for a week of five shows with different rounds across the days, but I doubt that has much use here.

The builder sets up a quiz in the daily format. On TV this is enough for 30 minutes of content. I expect this equates to a good amount of content for a 1 hour stream.

How to use the website

Once you click Create a new quiz, you'll be able to select the games for each of the five rounds. Selecting a game from the drop-down will also include guidance on how to run the round.

After selecting the rounds and clicking Save, the site will give you the recommended number of categories and questions for each round. You can edit the questions for each round - move them around, re-roll new questions/categories, and add or remove them.

Once you're happy, click "View all answers" on the quiz to see everything in one place, including the images to run the quiz. The answers are spoiler-tagged until you hover your mouse over them.

You can then either download the assets as you want manually, or click "Generate ZIP file with all assets" to download everything at once.

Setup requirements

Certain rounds work in different ways. I've tagged this in their descriptions. General things to be aware of for prep:

Buzzer rounds: some rounds are fastest finger first, so you'll need individual buzzers set up. Whatever Kiara used for Family Fortunes was perfect.

Tablet rounds: a space for contestants to answer secretly and then reveal. Sometimes marking a picture. You've used these in quizzes before so this should be straightforward.

Preshow Questions: Some rounds work by asking contestants to answer something before the show, which then feeds into the round format.

Pairs rounds: All round 2 options are intended as pairs round, in which the player in last place gets to choose their partner (quiz host breaks ties). Some are easy to adapt into not being played in pairs, some are not.

Intended additional future updates

Ways you can help improve the quiz


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